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A part of modeling aspects of PERFDUB are addressed in the framework of the ANR Project MODEVIE (Modeling of the durability of concrete constructions).

The aims of MODEVIE is first to take into account all the different periods of the structure life in chaining behavior models, from transfers to corrosion and mechanical damage, and secondly to define a model adapted to the use of the performance-based approach in the normative context. MODEVIE will also provide a better understanding of parameters favorable to steel reinforcement depassivation and corrosion propagation. Limit states associated with reinforcement corrosion will be also rationally defined.

Organized into six tasks, the project will involve modeling and experiments. The latter will take into account parameters such as concrete casting, aggregates nature and binder type. We will study concretes potentially qualified by the performance-based approach, i.e. concretes with high content of mineral addition or recycled aggregates. Finally, MODEVIE will lead to the definition of an “engineer” type model usable by end-users for the calculation of the structure lifetime for a given limit state (corresponding to an acceptable corrosion state). The entry parameters will be the concrete mix parameters, environmental conditions and materials data available from standard tests.

MODEVIE gathers specialists partners in the fields of mass transfer, corrosion and normative context for the durability of concrete structures, which are all involved in the development of the performance-based approach for concrete structures: university laboratories (LaSIE, GeM, LMDC ), public laboratories (IFSTTAR, CEREMA) or private (LAFARGE, Eurovia, VINCI Construction France, CERIB).