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National Project PERFDUB is launched

The general assembly of the National Research project PERFDUB took place on March 16th, 2015 in Paris (France). This event was the official start of the project and brought together more than 90 participants. The organization of the project was presented:

  • President: Didier BRAZILLIER (DIRCE)
  • Director: François CUSSIGH (VINCI Construction France)
  • Scientific Director: Gilles ESCADEILLAS (LMDC)

The working group leaders were also identified:

  • theme 1 – durability tests: Benoit THAUVIN (CEREMA) / Christian CLERGUE (SIGMA concrete)
  • theme 2 – eligible performance thresholds: Myriam CARCASSES (LMDC) / Eric BROUARD (LAFARGE)
  • theme 3 – reference concretes: Emmanuel ROZIERE (GeM Nantes) / Patrick ROUGEAU (CERIB)
  • theme 4 – Asset management: Jean-Marc POTIER (SNBPE) / Lionel LINGER (VINCI Construction) / Philippe GEGOUT (BOUYGUES TP)